Physical Description
Alignment and Religion
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Racial Traits
Standard Traits (14 or 12 CP)
- Type: Undines are outsiders with the native subtype.
- Size: Undines are either Medium or Small creatures. Medium undines have no bonuses or penalties due to their size. Small undines gain -2 to Strength, +2 to Dexterity, -1 to Constitution, +1 size bonus to their DV, +1 size bonus on attack rolls, -1 penalty on combat maneuver checks and to CMD, +2 bonus on Fly checks, and +2 size bonus on Stealth checks, and their space is 1/4 sqr. (0 or -2 CP)
- Speed: Medium undines have a base speed of 30 feet. Small undines have a base speed of 20 feet. Both have a swim speed of 30 feet. (2 CP)
- Languages: Undines begin play speaking Aquan and a regional language. Undines with high Intelligence scores can choose regional languages from the following: Auran, Dwarvish, Elvish, Gnomish, Human, Lucklyn, Ignan, and Terran. See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
Defense Racial Traits
- Energy Resistance: Undines have cold resistance 5. This resistance increases by 5 at 5th Hit Die, and every 5 HD after. (2 CP)
Feat and Skill Racial Traits
- Swim: As they have a swim speed, undines receive a +8 racial bonus on Swim checks.
Magical Racial Traits
- Undine Magic: Undines can use the following spell-like abilities a number of times per day equal to their total HD: create water, drench, and hydraulic push. They use their total HD as their caster level. Their DCs are Charisma-based. (4 CP)
Senses Racial Traits
- Darkvision: Undines can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet. At 7th Hit Die, and every 7 HD after, this range increases by 30 feet. (2 CP)
- Water Sense: Undines can sense vibrations in water, granting them blindsense 30 feet against creatures in contact with the same body of water. At 7th Hit Die, and every 7 HD after, the range increases by 30 feet. (2 CP)
Other Racial Traits
- Amphibious: Undine can breathe both air and water. (2 CP)
Alternate Physical Traits
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Water Affinity: undine sorcerers with the elemental (water) bloodline treat their Charisma score as 2 points higher for all sorcerer spells and class abilities. undine clerics with the Water domain cast their Water domain powers and spells at +1 caster level.
Acid Breath: Undines whose outsider heritage can be traced to a water mephit can wield acid as a weapon. Such an undine has a breath weapon that is a 5-foot cone of acidic water usable once per day. The breath deals 1d8 points of acid damage per two character levels (maximum 5d8). A Reflex saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 the undine’s level + the undine’s Constitution modifier) halves the damage. This racial trait replaces the spell-like ability racial trait.
Deepsight: The eyes of some undines are especially adapted to the lightless depths of the oceans, but not to air-filled environments. An undine with this racial trait has darkvision 120 feet when underwater, but otherwise has no darkvision at all. This racial trait replaces darkvision.
Flesh Chameleon: Some undines can change their coloration to match human skin tones. As a standard action, an undine with this racial trait can change her natural blue hue to match any normal human skin tone, and can revert to normal as a free action. This grants a +4 racial bonus on Disguise checks to appear human. This racial trait replaces energy resistance.
Hydrated Vitality: An undine with this racial trait gains fast healing 2 for 1 round anytime she submerges completely within a body of natural salt water, fresh water, or brackish water. Stagnant, poisoned, or trapped water (such as an artificial pit or a bag of holding) does not activate this ability. The undine can heal up to 2 hit points per level per day with this ability, after which it ceases to function. This racial trait replaces water affinity.
Mostly Human: A few undines have appearances much closer to those of their human ancestors; in fact, they may not even realize their true race. Such geniekin appear to be human, save perhaps minor features like unusual eye color, and they count as humanoid (human) as well as outsider (native) for all purposes (such as humanoid-affecting spells such as charm person or enlarge person). These geniekin do not automatically gain their associated elemental language (but may select it as a bonus language if their Intelligence is high enough). This ability alters the geniekin’s type, subtype, and languages. Source PZO9280
Nereid Fascination: Some undines can trace their ancestry to nereids as well as to outsiders. Once per day as a standard action, such an undine can create a 20-foot-radius aura that causes humanoids within the aura’s range to become fascinated with her for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 the undine’s character level (minimum 1). Targets may resist with a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the undine’s level + the undine’s Charisma modifier). This is a supernatural ability. This racial trait replaces the spell-like ability racial trait.
Ooze Breath: Some undines’ outsider heritage can be traced to ooze mephits. These undines have a breath weapon that is a 5-foot cone of slime usable once per day. The slime deals 1d4 points of acid damage per two character levels (maximum 5d4) and sickens creatures in the area for 3 rounds. A successful Reflex saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 the undine’s level + the undine’s Constitution modifier) halves the damage and negates the sickened effect. This racial trait replaces the spell-like ability racial trait.
Terrain Chameleon: Some undines can change their coloration to blend in with underwater terrain, mixing browns, grays, and greens to resemble kelp or other natural water plants. As a standard action, an undine with this racial trait can change her coloration, gaining a +4 bonus on Stealth checks in underwater environments. She can return to normal as a free action. This racial trait replaces energy resistance.
Triton Magic: Some undines descend from tritons, rather than genies. Undines with this racial trait can use summon nature’s ally I as a spell-like ability, but only to summon a dolphin. This racial trait replaces the spell-like ability racial trait. Source PZO9280
Cultural Traits
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Racial Feats
Feat Name | Category/Type | Prerequisites | Benefit |