
The orc people are notable for their powerful muscles, large tusked jaw, and bestial senses, with complexions ranging from shades of brown, green, and black. They are known to be able to enter an enhanced aggressive state that grants them increased strength and endurance at the expense of self-control. This natural hyper-aggressiveness requires the orcs to consume at least twice the amount of food compared to the majority of primanoid peoples. To the orcs, that is a small cost to pay to be able to maintain such a strong metabolism and physical fitness throughout their entire lives, even into their old age.

It is believed that the orcs arose naturally upon Celesia, alongside the humans and lucklyns, and may even share a common ancestry with them. Even if true, the orcs diverged from the other peoples far into the past. Nonetheless, orcs are considered to be a 1st-generation people of Celesia. Their natural need to consume more would have likely seen them enter in an existential conflict with the other peoples if it were not for their enslavement by the sserassin and neraxin peoples.

Orc strength and endurance made them excellent slave labour and enforcers for the cold-blooded imperialists. Their natural ability to thrive equally well in the dark underground as above ground served the spiderlords well. Although not as long-living as humans and lucklyns, orcs reproduced twice as rapidly, and the sserassin and neraxin were never without a lack of orc minions.

While resentment built up between the orcs and the other primanoid peoples from the former being used to oppress the latter by their common overlords, most orcs were still victims and sided with their fellow primanoids in order to survive. They joined the resistance when the Cosmic Horrors invaded the Prime Material, and fought alongside human, elves, and orcs. However, significant differences and temperaments between the orcs and the other peoples made it difficult to work harmoniously, so few among them rose up to the ranks of leaders like the humans, elves, and dwarves. Orc heroes emerged nonetheless, and they would go on to become paragons in orcish legends.

After the retreat of the Cosmic Horrors, the orcs failed to establish any significant state of power in the 3rd Age like the dwarves, elves, and humans. Instead, with a need of freedom, the orcs dispersed across the world into a multitude of clans and tribes, each developing their own cultures and traditions. Orcish temperament made it difficult for them to completely submit to another in order to make grand empires work.

Because of their rapid growth and heightened consumption, too many orcs gathered in one place would lead to conflict, either amongst themselves or with their neighbours. These factors left the orcish people with a dark reputation, though many individual orcs or tribes still tried to find a way to coexist with other peoples, or at least minimize the death and destruction. Orcs would often find themselves on the same side as the goblin people who share many of the same issues, but even with them conflicts easily arise.

The latter half of the 3rd Age was a dark time for the orcs. The increasingly harsher influence of the Aerlonesti elves to maintain their people's dominance and belief in elven superiority saw entire tribes completely exterminated. When the Starlight Wars erupted above and blow ground, survivors of the purge would see themselves enslaved and used as battle fodder by the Nui'anthyr dark elves or the Duerghendarr grey dwarves. However, a significant number would escape or be freed by those who were fighting against the tyranny that engulfed the world. Orcs would see themselves fighting for freedom alongside elves, dwarves, and humans, and unlikely friendships were formed.

The 4th Age saw the simultaneous rise and confinement of the orcs. The orcs that fought alongside the freedom fighters earned a place a honour among their ranks. For the first time, orc states were established with open relations with those of other peoples, and they were viewed as peers. At the same time, these orcs had to compromise their attitude and traditions for the sake of this properous coexistence. Whie many were fine with that, many others felt suffocated and yearned for the uncompromising freedom they once had. It was this internal conflict, but spiritual and actual fighting that held back many orcish states from achieving the same heights of greatness as their peers among other peoples.

These malcontent orcs would be a great breeding ground for the Exalted Tyrant's fiend soul program. Granted the powers of the Seven Hells, these orcs formed an enormous army along with other creatures under the Tyrant's control, and kicked off the Fiend Soul War that ended the greatness of the Age of Kings.

In the aftermath of the Fiend Soul War, the orcish people would be shattered across the world. Each tribe, and each individual orc, would seek their own path. As conquerers or as traders. Roaming free across wild lands or erecting great settlements. As enemies or as allies.

All the way to modern times, the orcs would never see the united fronts as they did in past Ages. However, in a way, this was a blessing in disguise. Never more have the orcs had the freedom to choose their own destiny, which may be the most orcish thing of all.

Orcs generally have an uneasy relationship with other peoples at the best of times. Their rapid population growth combined with their ravenous appetite and natural heightened aggressiveness will always ensure that they will be one of the top competitors for resources, and always willing to fight for it. That these traits were easily taken advantage of by dark masters in the past ages to brutalise other peoples only adds to their disreputability.

With most initial contact already filled with distrust and hostility, it is easy for conflict to break out between orcs and other peoples. However, orcs are not slaves to their impulses, and can be reasoned with given patience and the means to satisfy everyone's needs.

Physical Description



Alignment and Religion




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Racial Traits

Standard Traits (12 CP)

  • Type: Orcs are primanoids with the orc subtype.
  • Size: Orcs are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Speed: Orcs have a base speed of 30 feet.
  • Languages: Orcs begin play knowing one regional Orcish language. Orcs with high Intelligence scores can choose a regional language from the following: Dwarvish, Elvish, Gnollish, Goblish, Human, and Orcish. See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.

Defense Racial Traits

  • Orc Ferocity: Orcs receive Endurance as a bonus feat. (2 CP)

Feat and Skill Racial Traits

  • Keen Senses: Orcs receive a racial bonus equal to their total Hit Dice on Perception checks. (2 CP)

Offense Racial Traits

  • Powerful Build: Orcs are considered to be one size larger than they are if doing so is advantageous to them. However, their space and reach remain those of a Medium creature. The benefts of this trait stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change the orc’s size category. (3 CP)
  • Toothy: Orc tusks are large and sharp enough to give them a gore natural attack that deals 1d6 points of damage. At 7th Hit Die, and every 7 HD after, the gore's damage increases by 1 size. (2 CP).

Senses Racial Traits

  • Darkvision: Orcs can see perfectly in the dark for up to 60 feet. At 7th Hit Die, and every 7 HD after, this range increases by 30 feet. (2 CP)
  • Light Sensitivity: Orcs are dazzled as long as they remain in an area of bright light or within the radius of a daylight spell. (-1 CP)
  • Scent: Orcs have the scent ability. (3 CP)

Other Traits

  • Ravenous: Orcs count as large creatures in regards to how much food they need to eat per day. (-1 CP)

Alternate Physical Traits

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Cultural Traits

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Dayrunner: Orcs refuse to yield to any foe, including the sun. Some spend hour upon hour glaring at the sun until their ruined eyes acclimatize to bright light. Orcs with this racial trait take a –2 penalty on all ranged attack rolls. This racial trait replaces light sensitivity.
Feral: Orcs have the ability to fend for themselves long before they master the rudiments of their language and culture. Having needed to hunt bugs and tiny animals for food to survive while still infants, feral orcs fight all the harder to survive when at the brink of death. Orcs with this racial trait gain Survival as a class skill and gain a +1 racial bonus on melee weapon attack and damage rolls when at negative hit points. This racial trait replaces the orc’s weapon familiarity and automatic languages. Feral orcs without additional languages due to high Intelligence scores or ranks in Linguistics can only communicate with grunts and gestures.
Reckless Climber: Mountain-dwelling orcs thrive on taking insane risks to defeat foes and show up rivals. They gain a +4 racial bonus on Climb checks without rope and on Acrobatics checks to maintain balance. This racial trait replaces ferocity. Source PZO9280
Smeller: Orcs with this racial trait gain a limited scent ability with half the normal range. This racial trait replaces ferocity and weapon familiarity.
Squalid: Some orcs exist in surroundings so filthy and pestilent that even other orcs would have difficulty living in them. Orcs with this racial trait gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws made to resist nausea, the sickened condition, and disease. This racial trait replaces ferocity.
Weapon Familiarity: Orcs are always proficient with greataxes and falchions, and treat any weapon with the word “orc” in its name as a martial weapon.

Racial Feats

Feat Name Category/Type Prerequisites Benefit
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