Races: Archdragon

Physical Description



Alignment and Religion




Black Blue Green Red White
Wyrmling Wyrmling Wyrmling Wyrmling Wyrmling
Infant Infant Infant Infant Infant
Juvenile Juvenile Juvenile Juvenile Juvenile
Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult
Old Old Old Old Old
Venerable Venerable Venerable Venerable Venerable
Elder Elder Elder Elder Elder
Ancient Ancient Ancient Ancient Ancient
Wyrm Wyrm Wyrm Wyrm Wyrm


Astral Dream Etheric Nightmare Occult
Wyrmling Wyrmling Wyrmling Wyrmling Wyrmling
Infant Infant Infant Infant Infant
Juvenile Juvenile Juvenile Juvenile Juvenile
Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult
Old Old Old Old Old
Venerable Venerable Venerable Venerable Venerable
Elder Elder Elder Elder Elder
Ancient Ancient Ancient Ancient Ancient
Wyrm Wyrm Wyrm Wyrm Wyrm


Amethyst Emerald Ruby Sapphire Topaz
Wyrmling Wyrmling Wyrmling Wyrmling Wyrmling
Infant Infant Infant Infant Infant
Juvenile Juvenile Juvenile Juvenile Juvenile
Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult
Old Old Old Old Old
Venerable Venerable Venerable Venerable Venerable
Elder Elder Elder Elder Elder
Ancient Ancient Ancient Ancient Ancient
Wyrm Wyrm Wyrm Wyrm Wyrm


Forest Sea Sky Sovereign Underworld
Wyrmling Wyrmling Wyrmling Wyrmling Wyrmling
Infant Infant Infant Infant Infant
Juvenile Juvenile Juvenile Juvenile Juvenile
Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult
Old Old Old Old Old
Venerable Venerable Venerable Venerable Venerable
Elder Elder Elder Elder Elder
Ancient Ancient Ancient Ancient Ancient
Wyrm Wyrm Wyrm Wyrm Wyrm


Brass Bronze Copper Gold Silver
Wyrmling Wyrmling Wyrmling Wyrmling Wyrmling
Infant Infant Infant Infant Infant
Juvenile Juvenile Juvenile Juvenile Juvenile
Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult
Old Old Old Old Old
Venerable Venerable Venerable Venerable Venerable
Elder Elder Elder Elder Elder
Ancient Ancient Ancient Ancient Ancient
Wyrm Wyrm Wyrm Wyrm Wyrm


Lunar Solar Time Void Vortex
Wyrmling Wyrmling Wyrmling Wyrmling Wyrmling
Infant Infant Infant Infant Infant
Juvenile Juvenile Juvenile Juvenile Juvenile
Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult
Old Old Old Old Old
Venerable Venerable Venerable Venerable Venerable
Elder Elder Elder Elder Elder
Ancient Ancient Ancient Ancient Ancient
Wyrm Wyrm Wyrm Wyrm Wyrm


Apocalypse Bliss Crypt Edict Havoc Infernal Paradise Rift
Wyrmling Wyrmling Wyrmling Wyrmling Wyrmling Wyrmling Wyrmling Wyrmling
Infant Infant Infant Infant Infant Infant Infant Infant
Juvenile Juvenile Juvenile Juvenile Juvenile Juvenile Juvenile Juvenile
Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult
Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old
Venerable Venerable Venerable Venerable Venerable Venerable Venerable Venerable
Elder Elder Elder Elder Elder Elder Elder Elder
Ancient Ancient Ancient Ancient Ancient Ancient Ancient Ancient
Wyrm Wyrm Wyrm Wyrm Wyrm Wyrm Wyrm Wyrm


Brine Cloud Crystal Magma Umbral
Wyrmling Wyrmling Wyrmling Wyrmling Wyrmling
Infant Infant Infant Infant Infant
Juvenile Juvenile Juvenile Juvenile Juvenile
Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult
Old Old Old Old Old
Venerable Venerable Venerable Venerable Venerable
Elder Elder Elder Elder Elder
Ancient Ancient Ancient Ancient Ancient
Wyrm Wyrm Wyrm Wyrm Wyrm


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Racial Traits

Standard Traits (starts at 108 CP)

  • Type: Archdragons are dragons with an elemental subtype.
  • Hit Dice: Archdragons begin with 5 Hit Dice (d12). These are their dragon HD. (2 CP)
  • Size: Archdragons typically start at a Tiny size, , and thus gain -4 Strength, +4 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, +2 size bonus to attack rolls, -2 size penalty to CMB and CMD, +2 size bonus to DV, +4 size bonus to Fly, +4 size bonus to Stealth, have a space of 1/16 sqr., a reach of 0 ft., and a speed of 10 ft. (-8 CP)
  • Speed: Archdragons begin with a base speed of 10 ft. and fly speed of 10 ft. (average) (4 CP)
  • Languages: See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
  • Ability Scores: +2 Constitution, +2 Charisma. Archdragons begin with 10 ability score increases (up to 5 in any one ability score). (8 CP)

Defense Racial Traits

  • Immunities: Archdragons are immune to sleep and paralysis. (4 CP)
  • Natural Armor: Archdragons begin a natural armor bonus equal to their total Hit Dice. (2 CP)
  • Saving Throws: Archdragons begin with good Fortitude, Reflex, and Will base saving throws bonuses for their dragon Hit Dice. (3 CP)
  • Spell Resistance: Archdragons begin with spell resistance equal to 11 + their total Hit Dice. (12 CP)

Feat and Skill Racial Traits

  • Class Skills: Archdragons start with the following class skills: Appraise, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Fly, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (all), Linguistics, Perception, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Stealth, Survival, Swim, and Use Magic Device. (17 CP)
  • Skill Ranks: Archdragons begin with 6 + Intelligence modifier skill ranks per dragon Hit Die with a number of proficiency increases equal to its dragon HD. (2 CP)
  • Tail: Archdragons have a tail that grants them a +1 racial bonus to Acrobatics checks. (2 CP)

Magical Racial Traits

  • Sorcerer Spellcasting: Archdragons have a sorcerer spellcasting progression, using their total Hit Dice as their sorcerer level. What spells are known depend on the type of archdragon. (20 CP)

Offense Racial Traits

  • Base Attack Bonus: Archdragons's begin with a base attack bonus is equal to their dragon Hit Dice (fast progression). (1 CP)
  • Breath Weapon: Archdragons have at least one type of breath weapon. (starts at 1 CP)
  • Bite: Archdragons have a bite attack that deals damage for its size. At 7th Hit Dice, and every 7 HD after, the bite's damage increases by 1 size. (2 CP)
  • Claws: Archdragons have 2 claw attacks that deal damage for its size. At 7th Hit Dice, and every 7 HD after, the claws' damage increases by 1 size. (4 CP)
  • Tail Slap: Archdragons have a tail slap attack that deals damage for its size. At 7th Hit Dice, and every 7 HD after, the tail slap's damage increases by 1 size. (2 CP)
  • Tail Sweep: Archdragons can make a tail sweep attack. (4 CP)
  • Wings: Archdragons have 2 wing attacks that deals damage for its size. At 7th Hit Dice, and every 7 HD after, the wings' damage increases by 1 size. (4 CP)

Senses Racial Traits

  • Blindsense: Archdragons have blindsense up to 30 feet. At 7th Hit Die, and every 7 HD after, the range increases by 30 feet. (4 CP)
  • Darkvision: Archdragons can see perfectly in the dark for up to 60 feet. At 7th Hit Die, and every 7 HD after, this range increases by 30 feet. (2 CP)
  • Low-light Vision: Archdragons can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light. At 7th Hit Die, they can see three times as far, four times as far at 14th HD, and so on every 7 HD after. (1 CP)
  • Scent: Archdragons have the scent ability. (3 CP)

Other Racial Traits

  • Arm-walking: Archdragons can use their arms as part of their terrestrial locomotion as a free action, gaining a +10 bonus to their base speed and a +4 bonus to their CMD vs. trip, but are unable to use those arms for other actions or use any items held in those arms. They can return the use of their arms as a free action, losing the aforementioned modifiers. (10 CP)
  • Wings: Archdragons have a pair of wings. It takes no damage from falling (as if subject to a constant non-magical feather fall spell). While in midair, the creature can move up to 5 feet in any horizontal direction for every 1 foot it falls, at a speed of 60 feet per round. It cannot gain height with these wings alone; it merely coasts in other directions as it falls. If subjected to a strong wind or any other effect that causes a creature with wings to rise, it can take advantage of the updraft to increase the distance it can glide. (2 CP)

Alternate Physical Traits

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Cultural Traits

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Racial Feats

Feat Name Category/Type Prerequisites Benefit
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