Conjure Flame

School Fire.
Casting Time 1 standard action.
Duration 1 round/tier until discharged (D).
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes

Your hand is engulfed with magical flames that do not harm you. You gain a melee touch attack that unpon a successful hit, inflicts one injury + an additional degree for every 3 tiers you possess in addition to any from degrees of success from your attack roll. The art is discharged upon a successful hit.


Bullet (+1): You can shoot your conjured flame from your hand into a bullet of fire as a ranged touch attack. The art is discharged upon firing it, regardless if you successful hit or not. Your art has a range of close.

Explosion (+1): Upon a successful hit, your conjured flame explodes in a sphere of fire. Your art now has an area of a sphere with a radius of 5 ft. + 5 ft. per 4 tiers you possess. When combined with Bullet, you can detonate your flame at any point along its path. Each creatures and flammable object in the area of explosion, except for your target, must make a Dexterity save or else take your flame's injury degrees excluding those from degrees of success. In addition, they take an additional degree for every degree of failure plus another degree on a critical failure. On a successful save, they take one less degree + one less for every degree of success. On a critical save, they take only one injury degree. You are immune from your own flame's explosion.

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