House Rules: Poisons
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  • Injury: These poisons are primarily delivered through the attacks of certain creatures and through weapons coated in the toxin. Injury poisons do not usually have an onset time and have a frequency of 1 round. The DC of injury poisons increase by 2 for every +4 base attack bonus of the attacker.


All poisons are now priced at 10% of the listed value in the Pathfinder rules.

Golden Ice

Since poisons work differently in Pathfinder than in 3.5. Here are the new rules for Golden Ice:

Name Type Fort DC Onset Frequency Effect Cure Cost
Golden Ice injury 14 1/rd. for 4 rds. 1d4 Dex 1 save 120 gp

As mention on here, poisons (or ravages in this case) stack. Each dose applied increases the duration by half its total duration and adds +2 to the DC.

If Melyka (with Touch of Golden Ice) hits an evil opponent once, the victim needs to make a DC 14 Fort save once a round for 4 rounds, and takes 1d4 Dex damage for each failure. One successful save shrugs off the ravage.

If Melyka uses Flurry of Blows and hits an evil opponent 3 times, the victim needs to make a DC 18 Fort save once a round for 8 rounds, and takes 1d4 Dex damage for each failure. One successful save shrugs off the ravage.

If the 1st round, Melyka hits once, the victim makes a DC 14 Fort save for this round and 3 others. If he fails and Melyka hits again on the 2nd round, the victim must now make a DC 16 Fort save for this round and 4 others.

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