House Rules: Exploration & Movement

Table: Travel Time (1 hex)

Land Speed Plain, Tundra, Underwater, or Water Hill Arctic, Desert, Forest, or Marsh Cavern, Mountain Air
15 feet 8 hours 12 hours 16 hours 32 hours 2 hours
20 feet 6 hours 9 hours 12 hours 24 hours 1.5 hours
30 feet 4 hours 6 hours 8 hours 16 hours 1 hours
40 feet 3 hours 4.5 hours 6 hours 12 hours 0.75 hours
50 feet 2.4 hours 3.6 hours 4.8 hours 9.6 hours 0.6 hours
60 feet 2 hours 3 hours 4 hours 8 hours 0.5 hour

Table: Exploration Time (1 hex)

Party Speed Plain, Hill, Tundra, Underwater, Water Arctic, Desert, Forest, or Marsh Cavern, Mountain
15 feet 32 hours 64 hours 128 hours
20 feet 24 hours 48 hours 96 hours
30 feet 16 hours 32 hours 64 hours
40 feet 12 hours 24 hours 48 hours
50 feet 9.6 hours 19.2 hours 38.4 hours
60 feet 8 hours 16 hours 32 hours

A road is a dirt track, but reduces land-based travel time to half of the listed value.

A highway is a pave road of stone, and reduces land-based travel time to 1/4 of the list value.

Wandering Encounters

There is a 5% chance of an encounter occurring when traveling through a hex. There is a 15% chance of an encounter per day spent exploring or camping in a hex. A terrain's Danger modifier is added to the % chance of an encounter.

If there is an encounter, there is a 60% chance of a low-level encounter (01-60), a 30% chance of a medium encounter (61-90), and a 10% chance of a high-level encounter (91-00). For a low-level encounter, roll 1d8 to determine the encounter's CR. For a medium encounter, roll 1d8+8. For a high-level encounter, roll a 1d8+16.

Overland Movement

Overland movement is considered the amount of time traveling through a hex of 12 miles. The number of hours to traverse a hex depends on the speed the creating is moving at, and the type of terrain (see Table: Travel Time). When calculating how long it will take to traverse a number of hex, start with calculating the time of the starting hex.

Walk: A character can walk 8 hours in a day of travel without a problem. Walking for longer than that can wear him out (see Forced March, below).

Hustle: A character can hustle for 1 hour without a problem. For each hour of hustling beyond the first, a Constitution check (DC 10, +5 per extra hour) is required. If the check fails, the character becomes fatigued. If the check fails, and the character already has the fatigued condition, the character becomes exhausted. If the check fails, and the character has the exhausted condition, the character falls unconscious, and gains an amount of nonlethal damage equal to their total hit points. This nonlethal damage goes away after 8 hours of rest. The character regains consciousness if the nonlethal damage is healed.

Run: A character can’t run for an extended period of time. Attempts to run and rest in cycles effectively work out to a hustle.

Forced March: In a day of normal walking, a character walks for 8 hours. The rest of the daylight time is spent making and breaking camp, resting, and eating.

A character can walk for more than 8 hours in a day by making a forced march. For each hour of marching beyond 8 hours, a Constitution check (DC 10, +5 per extra hour) is required. If the check fails, the character becomes fatigued. If the check fails, and the character already has the fatigued condition, the character becomes exhausted. If the check fails, and the character has the exhausted condition, the character falls unconscious, and gains an amount of nonlethal damage equal to their total hit points. This nonlethal damage goes away after 8 hours of rest. The character regains consciousness if the nonlethal damage is healed.

Mounted Movement: A mount bearing a rider can move at a hustle. The damage it takes when doing so, however, is lethal damage equal to its total hit points, not nonlethal damage. The creature can also be ridden in a forced march, but its Constitution checks automatically fail, and the damage it takes is lethal damage. Mounts also become fatigued when they take any damage from hustling or forced marches.

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