Wealth and Money
There are primary types of coins used as currency. Each type of weigh about the same as the other ones, and 50 coins weigh 1 lb.
Table: Coins
Type | Abbreviation | Gold value |
platinum | "pp" or "pla" | x 10 |
gold | "gp" or "gol" | x 1 |
silver | "sp" or "sil" | x 1/10 |
copper | "cp" or "cop" | x 1/100 |
Item Quality
The armor, weapons, and gear listed are considered to be of standard quality unless otherwise noted, created by a crafter who is trained in the appropriate skill. Standard items do not impose a bonus or penalty on any attacks or checks using the item. You might encounter items of poor quality from time to time, and as you adventure you may find, craft, or purchase items crafted at a significantly higher quality.
Poor-Quality Items
Improvised or of dubious make, poor-quality items are never available for purchase except for in the most desperate of communities, usually for half the Price of a standard item, though you can never sell them in any case. If a poor-quality item takes enough damage to gain a Dent, it is broken instead.
Expert, Master, and Legendary Items
Expert, master, and legendary items are of a superior quality and can be crafted only by characters with the respective proficiency rank in the Crafting skill.
The number of potency and property runes that can be applied to magical weapons and armor depend on their quality level.
Table: Item Quality
Item Quality | Quality Modifier | Item Hit Points | Price Multiplier | Maximum Potency Runes | Maximum Property Runes |
Poor | -1 | x 1/2 | x 1/2 | None | None |
Standard | +0 | x 1 | x 1 | +1 | 1 |
Expert | +1 | x 2 | x 10 | +2 | 1 |
Master | +2 | x 5 | x 25 | +3 | 2 |
Legendary | +3 | x 10 | x 100 | +5 | 3 |
Quality Modifier
An item's quality modifier is added to the item's Break DC. It can also be applied depending on how the item is used. See the item's description for details.
Quality modifier does not stack with enhancement bonus. Use whichever is higher.
Weapons apply their quality modifier to attack rolls.
Armors and shields reduce their armor check penalty (minimum +0) by their quality modifier.
Some items have no practical use for a quality modifier. A master-quality lantern sheds light no better than a standard-quality lantern. Items of higher quality only benefit from having a higher amount of hit points, and meeting the item quality prerequisite to serve as the base of a magic item.
Improving Quality
You can use the appropriate Craft skill to upgrade the quality of an item one step better. You must have the proficiency level to craft the upgraded item. You only need to spend money and time equal to the difference between the costs of the current item and of the desired upgraded item.
For example, you want to upgrade an expert chain shirt to a master chain shirt. This requires you to have master proficiency in Craft (armor). The expert chain shirt has a value of 1,000 gol, and the master chain shirt will have a value of 2,500 gol, with the difference being 1,500 gol. You will need to spend 500 gol in raw material cost, and craft a number of days to reach 15,000 sil.
Nonmagical items might decrease in quality over a long period of neglect or after extended use, but they can be restored in the same way as improving an item.
Quality and Hardness
Structures and items made at a quality above the minimum for their material multiply their base Hardness. Table: Item Quality lists the Hardness multiplier of an item of higher quality compared to a standard item. Structures, such as walls and doors, gain twice as much Hardness for higher quality, as shown on the table.