House Rules: Damaging Objects

Breaking and Entering

Table: Material Hardness and Hit Points

Material Hardness hp (5 ft. square) hp (armor)i hp (handheld)i
Glass 1 1/in. of thickness
Paper or cloth 0 2/in. of thickness
Rope 0 2/in. of thickness
Ice 0 3/in. of thickness
Leather or hide 2 5/in. of thickness
Wood 5 10/in. of thickness
Stone 8 15/in. of thickness
Dragonhide 10 10/in of thickness
Ironwood 10 10/in of thickness
Ironleaf 10 20/in of thickness
Cold Iron, iron or steel 10 30/in. of thickness
Aetherium 15 30/in. of thickness
Adamantine 20 40/in. of thickness
iFor medium-size version of the object.

Smashing an Object

Defense Value

An object's DV is 10 + its size modifier + its Dexterity modifier. An inanimate object has a Dexterity of 0 (-5 modifier). Furthermore, if you take a full action to line up your attack, a melee or attack automatically hits as if you had rolled a 20, as does a ranged attack if you are adjacent to the object, and a ranged attack further away gains a +5 bonus. Objects are immune to critical hits.


Damaging a 5 ft. x 5 ft. surface down to half of its total hit points (inflicting the broken condition) allows a small-size creature to squeeze through its square (see Squeezing under Combat). A surface must reach 0 hp for a medium creature to move through its square unimpeded. For each size smaller, the amount of damage needed to squeeze or move through is halved.

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