House Rules: Creature Creation - Standard Traits

Ability Score Substitution (7 CP)

Select a first ability score, and then a second ability score. The creature can use the second ability score for all calculations and prerequisites that use the first ability score.

Special: This trait can be selected multiple times. Each time it is taken, select a new pair of ability scores.

Burrow (3 CP)

The creature has a burrow speed equal to its base speed, but not through rock. It cannot charge or run while burrowing. Most burrowing creatures do not leave behind tunnels other creatures can use (either because the material they tunnel through fills in behind them or because they do not actually dislocate any material when burrowing). For every additional CP spent, calculate the creature's burrow speed as if its base speed was one size larger.

Special: This trait can be taken a second time; when taken again, the creature can burrow through rock.

Climb (2 CP)

The creature has a climb speed equal to half of its base speed, and gains the +8 bonus on Climb checks that a climb speed normally grants. The climb speed can be increased by one size category for each additional 1 CP spent on this trait.

Fast Movement (4 CP)

The creature's base speed increases by 1 size category.

Special: This trait can be taken multiple times. Its effects stack.

Flight (4 CP)

The creature has a fly speed equal to its base speed (without the increase base speed from extra pairs of legs) with clumsy maneuverability. Reduce the cost of the trait by 2 if the creature has at least one pair of wings. For each pair of wings beyond the first, increase the fly speed by 10 feet and the maneuverability by one step (up to perfect). For each additional 1 CP spent, the creature’s fly speed increases by one size increase or the maneuverability improves by one step (up to perfect).

Powerful Build (3 CP)

The creature is considered to be one size larger than it is if doing so is advantageous to it. However, its space and reach remain those of a creature of its actual size. The benefits of this trait stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change the subject’s size category.

Size Increase (2 CP per size increase)

The creature's size increases by 1 step, and gains the following modifications: +2 Strength, -2 Dexterity, +1 Constitution, -1 size penalty to attack rolls, +1 size bonus to CMB and CMD, -1 size penalty to DV, -2 size penalty to Fly, -2^(number of sizes larger than Medium) size penalty to Stealth, creature's space and reach increases by 5 ft., and speed by 10 ft, height is doubled, weight is multiplied by 8.

Special: This trait can be taken multiple times. Its effects stack.

Sleepless (5 CP)

The creature does not need to sleep, unless it wants to gain any benefits from doing so. However, it still requires 8 hours of rest to regain any abilities that have that requirement.

Space Increase (2 CP)

The creature's space increases by 5 feet.

Stacking Class Levels (10 CP)

Select a class. If the creature possesses levels in that class, it can stack its racial Hit Dice to them to determine its effective class level for its abilities and caster level (and similar types of levels). However, this does not grant new abilities in that class.

Swim (2 CP)

The creature has a swim speed of equal to its base speed, and gain the +8 bonus on Swim checks that a swim speed normally grants. The swim speed can be increased by one size category for each additional 1 CP spent on this trait.

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