House Rules: Chases

A chase involves two parties: a pursuer and a quarry.

A chase lasts as long as both sides are able to continue to run. You can run for a number of chase rounds equal to your Constitution score, but after that you must make a DC 10 Constitution check to continue running. You must check again each round in which you continue to run, and the DC of this check increases by 1 for each check you have made. When you fail this check, you must stop running. A character who has run to his limit must rest for 1 minute (10 rounds) before running again. During a rest period, a character can move no faster than a normal move action. You can’t run across difficult terrain or if you can’t see where you’re going.

Chase Sequence

  1. Chase Initiative—All pursuers and quarries roll for initiative to determine order of actions.
  2. Starting Distance—The GM determines the starting distance between the quarries and the pursuers.
  3. Chase Round—Each pursuer and quarry perform their chase action in the order determined by the chase initiative.
    • Pursuer: First, adjust the pursuer's new distance to the quarry based on the speed difference between them. Second, the pursuer can perform an Overtake action.
    • Quarry: The quarry can perform an impede action. Pursuers immediately make the required check if need be. Adjust the quarry's distance to the pursuers based on the result of the impede action.

Starting a Chase

A chase beings when both the quarry and the pursuer become aware of each other, and the quarry attempts to flee from the pursuer.


To determine the order in which both the quarries and pursuers act, everyone rolls their Chase Initiative at the start of the chase. Initiative is usually rolled with Acrobatics, but it was can also be rolled with Stealth against Perception depending on the approach of the pursuer and the stance of the quarry. Climb can be used to any party that is currently climbing, Flying for any that are currently flying, and Swimming for any that are currently swimming.

Starting Distance

Sudden Start: In a chase that assumes that everyone begins at the same starting point, pursuers begin adjacent the quarry.

Head Start: If a quarry has a head start on the pursuers, the pursuers begin trailing behind the quarry.

Long Shot: If the quarry is so far ahead that he has practically won the chase, the pursuers begin distant from the quarry.

The Chase

Distance Steps

The distance between the pursuer and the quarry is split into 4 steps, from closest to farthest.

Adjacent: The quarry is within the pursuer's melee reach.

Trailing: The quarry is outside pursuer's melee reach unless the pursuer has a weapon with the reach trait, and the quarry is still within range of throwing weapons and close range spells and abilities.

Distant: The quarry is beyond the range of throwing weapons, but still within range of other ranged weapons, and medium and long range spells and abilities.

Fallen Behind: The pursuer no longer has line of sight of the quarry and is unable to continue directly chasing them. However, if other pursuers are still within line of sight, the pursuer can chase after them instead, and try to catch up. During your turn, you can attempt to track your quarry as per the Survival skill. If you succeed, you can resume chasing your quarry, immediately gaining a free Overtake action.

Speed Difference

If the pursuers have double or more the speed of the quarry, then they reach adjacent with the quarry in the next chase round in a straight race. If their speed has less than double but still more than the quarry, then they automatically move up one step closer to the quarry in each round. If the pursuers have less speed than the quarry, then they automatically fall one step behind each chase round.

Chase Actions

Impede Actions

As the quarry, you may perform one Impede action per chase round. If your Impede action succeeds or your pursuers fail against it, they fall 1 step farther from you, and 2 steps if your critically succeed or they critically fail.

  • Bluff: Make a Bluff check to throw off your pursuers: doubling back, making sound down a different alley, and so on. The pursuers must make a Sense Motive to not fall for the trick.
  • Improvised Obstacle: You toss objects or people behind you to get in the way of your pursuers. Make an attack roll using your BAB and your Dex modifier. Your pursuers must make an Acrobatics check against your attack roll to avoid the obstacle.
  • Sprint: Move your distance ahead of your pursuers by 1 step farther at the cost of reducing the number of rounds remaining that your can run by 2 instead of 1.
  • Stealth: You hide from your pursuers, which could be in an obscure corner or blending into a crowd. Make a Stealth check against your pursers' Perception check.

Overtake Actions

As the pursuer, you may perform an Overtake action if you critically succeed at overcoming an Impede action or if your quarry does not make an Impede action. If your Overtake action succeeds or your quarries fail against it, you move 1 step closer to them, and 2 steps if your critically succeed or they critically fail. You must have line of sight with your quarry to perform an Overtake action against them.

  • Call For Aid: You call upon a crowd of bystanders to interfere with the quarry's flight. Make a Diplomacy or Intimidate check. The DC is equal to 15 + the quarry's CR.
  • Shortcut: You anticipate where your quarry is heading, and figure out a shorter path to reach them. Make a Survival check. The base DC is equal to 15. Increase the DC by 5 if you are trailing, and by 10 if you are distant from your quarry.
  • Sprint: Move your distance to the quarry by 1 step closer at the cost of reducing the number of rounds remaining that your can run by 2 instead of 1.

Combat Action

Instead of making an Impede or Overtake action, both the quarry and pursuer can perform a combat action (attack, casting a spell, class ability, etc.) that costs 1 action against their target within range. These actions resolve normally, and may or may not slow down the target even if successful, but could also completely stop them as well.


Pursuers and quarries may perform skill checks to create and circumvent obstacles during the chase. Each success the pursuers make keeps them on pace with the quarry. If they beat the DC or opposed check by 10 or more, then they critically succeed, and they may attempt an Overtake action. A natural 20 increases the check result by 10. Each failure moves the pursuers 1 step farther from their quarry. If their results is 10 or lower below the DC or opposed check, then they critically fail, and they are moved 2 steps farther away. A natural 1 reduces the check result by 10.

Obstacles are barriers in the path of both the quarry and the pursuer. They can be both objects and creatures. Successfully overcoming the obstacle allows either to continue running. If the quarry fails, then his pursuers advance close by 1 step. If the pursuer fails, then she falls back 1 step farther from her quarry.

The standard obstacle DC is 15. The DC can be higher or lower depending on the size difference between you and the obstacle. For every size step the obstacle is larger than you, the DC increases by 5, and for every size step smaller, the DC reduces by 5. What skills to use to overcome the obstacle depends on the nature of the obstacle.

  • Acrobatics: You can use the Acrobatics skill to leap over physical barriers, gaps in terrain, dodge objects moving into your way, navigate slippery or treacherous terrain.
  • Bull Rush: You can use the Bull Rush combat maneuver to rush and push the obstacle out of the way, or crash through it. Use the obstacle DC as the CMD.
  • Climb: You can use the Climb skill to scale over obstacles. The obstacle must be your size or greater, but the obstacle DC starts at 5 instead of 15.
  • Escape Artist: You can use the Escape Artist skill get out of any obstacle that grapples or entangles you.
  • Fly: If you are flying, you can use the Fly skill to overcome the obstacle.
  • Handle Animal: You can use the Handle Animal skill to calm or order animals that are blocking your path.
  • Overrun: You can use the Overrun combat maneuver if the obstacle is a creature to run over them. Resolve the maneuver as if using it in combat, except use the obstacle DC as the CMD.
  • Reposition: You can use the Reposition combat maneuver if the obstacle is a creature to grab them and switch places with them. Resolve the maneuver as if using it in combat, except use the obstacle DC as the CMD.
  • Ride: If you are riding a mount, you must use the Ride skill to have your mount overcome the obstacle. The DC is based on your mount's size instead of you.
  • Swim: You can use the Swim skill to overcome an obstacle floating atop or within an aquatic environment.

Example Forest Obstacles: Ditch, fallen log, muddy ground, slippery surface, thick branches, thick bushes, tree root, vines.

Example Urban Obstacles: Cart, crowd of people, draft animal, fence, gap between buildings, icy surface, narrow surface, slanted rooftop, street pothole, wagon, walls.

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