House Rules: Broken Blade

1st Level

Flurry Strike

Discipline Broken Blade (strike); Level 1
Initiation Action 1 standard action
Range melee attack
Target one creature
Duration instant

You learn to maximize openings in your opponent’s defenses and make lightning fast attacks whenever possible. As a standard action, you may make three attacks at you full base attack bonus.

Iron Hand Stance

Discipline Broken Blade (stance); Level 1
Initiation Action 1 simple action
Range personal
Target you
Duration stance

By keeping your hands stiff and your arms loose and ready, you use your bare palms as shields to protect yourself from the weapons of your foes. While in this stance, you gain a +2 shield bonus to your DV while you have at least one free hand. At your 6th initiator level, this bonus increases by +2, again at 12th level, and a final time at 18th level.

2nd Level

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Discipline ; Level
Initiation Action

3rd Level

Broken Blade Stance

Discipline Broken Blade (stance); Level 3
Prerequisites one Broken Blade maneuver
Initiation Action 1 simple action
Range personal
Target you
Duration stance

You have learned the flows of combat to a degree and have the insight necessary to see the path to victory through the patterns of steel your opponents weave before your eyes. While in this stance, you gain a competence bonus equal to yout initiator level to Acrobatics checks to avoid attacks of opportunity, and may make an additional attack in addition to all of your acts during your turn. If your are multi-weapon fighting, you gain this extra attack for each weapon used in that multi-weapon attack. The attack(s) uses your full base attack bonus, plus any modifiers appropriate to the situation.

Steel Flurry Strike

Discipline Broken Blade (strike); Level 3
Prerequisites one Broken Blade maneuver
Initiation Action 1 standard action
Range melee attack
Target one creature
Duration instant

You make a furious set of attacks upon your foe, hammering through defenses and striking rapidly. You may make three attacks against your foe at full base attack bonus. Successful hits inflict an additional 3d6 points of damage per hit.

4th Level

5th Level

6th Level

7th Level

8th Level

9th Level

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