
Founded Asmodan 11th, 108 Age of Reclamation
Founding Figures Agnieszka, Bragi, Crio Feydrid, Duridana, Gerrard Blackdust II, Knil, Tick, Yasuhiro
Alignment LN (Economy +2, Stability +2)
Population 8,425
Command DC (aka Control DC) 102
Size 82 (Kingdom)
    Bridges: 7
    Camps: 1 (Economy +1, Stability +1)
    Caves: 0
    Farms: 41 (BP Consumption -82)
    Forts: 0
    Landmarks: 7 (Loyalty +8)
      - Onestrio's Trade Post
      - Nettle's Crossing
      - Old Sycamore Tree
      - Razortail Bridge
      - Stag Lord's Fort (now Staghelm Castle)
      - Statue of Deianeira
      - Temple of the Unicorn
      - Wolfshold Pass
    Mines: 2 (2 resources) (Economy +4, Stability +4)
    Resources: 3 (Economy +3)
      - Fangberries
      - Gold
      - Silver
    Rivers: 38 (Economy +9)
    Roads: 52 (Economy +13, Stability +6)
    Ruins: 2
      - Stag Lord's Fort (now Staghelm Castle)
      - Temple of the Unicorn
Improvements Per Month
      New Cities: 2
      New Buildings: 10
      Claim Hexes: 4
      Roads: 4
      Land Improvements: 2

Past Events

  • Dryad Incident: The Wardens help the dryad Tiressia and her consort, the satyr Falchos by eliminating a threat to their home. In exchange, the couple promises to help guard Veridia's borders. Stability +2)
  • Griffon Incident: After a month of no sign of hostility from the griffon Silverwing after its rampage through Staghelm, the people come to believe that their leader spoke true when they tamed the giant beast. Pride in their nation and their leaders swell, the safety of Veridia is reinforced, and the reputation of Gerrard and the Emerald Guard is bolstered. (Economy +4, Loyalty +4, Stability +4, Unrest reduced to 0)
  • Nixie Incident: The Wardens resolve the conflict between the nixie Melianse and a group of loggers. Melianse pledges to observe any threats near bodies of water for Veridia. (Stability +2)
  • Stig Tannerson Kidnapping: The Wardens rescue the boy Stig Tannerson from the Bluecrest lagheairs. (Loyalty +2)
  • Werewolf in Staghelm Incident: The Wardens succeed in ending the threat, and publicly reassures the populace of its commitment to their safety. (Loyalty +2)
  • Wolfshold Trade Agreement: Gerrard and Theodore Duloup work out a trade agreement between their two nations. (Economy +1)
  • Thunderhoof Centaurs: Peace and a strong relationship with the Thunderhoof centaurs is established. (Stability +2)
  • Bloody Furrows Incident: Plaie the blodeuwedd pledges to warn the kingdom of any dangers on the eastern edge of the Thunderhoof Hills after the Emerald Guard defeated Kankerata for her. (Stability +2)
Total Buildings Edicts Events Leadership Resources Alignment Unrest Vacancies
Economy +139 +51 +0 +4 +52 +30 +2 -0 -0
Loyalty +115 +62 +1 +8 +36 +8 +0 -0 -0
Stability +109 +48 +1 +12 +35 +11 +2 -0 -0
Promotion Level Token
+1 Stability +1 BP Consumption
Taxation Level None
+0 Economy +1 Loyalty
Festivals Per Year 6
+2 Loyalty +1 BP Consumption
Current Penalty Next Upkeep
0 0
Size Cities Edicts Farms Army Total
+82 +6 +1 -82 +11 18
Role Leader Ability Bonus Attribute Full-time? Badge of Office
Ruler Gerrard Blackdust II Cha +9 Economy, Loyalty, Stability No Headband of Mental Superiority +6
Ruler Rosabella Cha +7 Economy, Loyalty, Stability Yes none
Councilor Jhod Kavken Wis +5 Loyalty No Headband of Wisdom +2
General Vittoria Str +8 Stability Yes Headband of Charisma +2
Grand Diplomat Sabina Lucelli Int +8 Stability No Headband of Intelligence +6
High Priest Gordawg Wildhammer Wis +3 Stability No none
Magister Tick Int +11 Economy Yes Headband of Charisma +2
Marshal Gaetana Dex +10 Economy Yes Belt of Dexterity +4
Royal Assassin Kressle Str +3 Loyalty, -1 Unrest No none
Spymaster Valyra Altar Dex +6 Economy No Belt of Dexterity +4
Tresurer Onestrio Lucelli Int +9 Economy Yes Headband of Intelligence +2
Warden Lorenzo Dinovio Str +9 Loyalty Yes Belt of Constitution and Strength +2


Small Town; Capital
Founded Asmodan 11th, 108 Age of Reclamation
Population 1,675 (800 humans, 575 halflings, 110 dwarves, 70 half-elves, 65 elves, 50 gnomes, 30 other)
Purchase Limit 5,000 gp
Districts 3 (city grid link)
City Grid Borders
      North: land
      East: land
      South: water
      West: land
      1st Staghelm Musketeers (CR 8)
        Huge army of humans & halflings (500 5th-level gunslingers)
        hp 44; DV 18; OM 10
        Resources Early Firearms
        Speed 2; Consumption 6
        Leader Vittoria

Building Economy Loyalty Stability Minor Medium Major Base Value Defense
Academy +2 +2 3 2
Arena +2 +4
Black Market +2 +1 2 1 1 +2,000 gp
Black Market +2 +1 2 1 1 +2,000 gp
Brewery +1 +1 +1
Brothel +1 +2
Castle +2 +2 +2 +8
Caster's Tower +1 +1 3 2
Cathedral (St. Argath) +4 3 2
City Wall (3) +12
Dump +1 +1
Exotic Craftsman +2 +1 1
Garrison +2 +2
Granary +1 +1
Granary +1 +1
Graveyard +1
House (11)
Inn +1 +1 +500 gp
Jail +2 +2
Jail +2 +2
Library +2
Luxury Store +1 +1 +2,000 gp
Luxury Store +1 +1 +2,000 gp
Market +3 +2 2 +2,000 gp
Mill +1 +1
Monument +3
Monument +3
Monument +3
Monument (Gerrad & Rosabella) +3
Noble Villa +1 +1 +1
Noble Villa +1 +1 +1
Shop +2 +500 gp
Shop +2 +500 gp
Shop +2 +500 gp
Shop +2 +500 gp
Shrine (Belthazar) +1 1
Smith +1 +1
Stable +1 +1 +500 gp
Temple (Deianeira) +2 +2 2
Tenement (2)
Town Hall +1 +1 +1
Watchtower +1 +2
Total +37 +44 +29 16 6 2 13,200 gp +22
Magic Items
Minor Medium Major
x divine scroll of detect chaos (25 gp) x wand of darkness with 7 charges, (630 gp) x (empty)
x arcane scroll of protection from law (25 gp) x potion of barkskin +2 (300 gp) x (empty)
x arcane scroll of protection from arrows (150 gp) x (empty)
x arcane scroll of cat's grace (150 gp) x (empty)
x arcane scroll of phantom trap (200 gp) x (empty)
x potion of undetectable alignment (300 gp) x (empty)
x arcane scroll of tongues (375 gp)
x wand of protection from law with 25 charges (375 gp)
x pearl of power, 1st-level spell (1,000 gp)
x potion of resist energy (Cold) 20 (700 gp)
x elixir of fire breath (1,100 gp)
x wand of scorching ray with 25 charges (2,250)
x +1 medium sized longsword (2,315 gp)
x arcane scroll of calm emotions (150 gp)
x arcane scroll of tongues (375 gp)
x potion of resist energy (Sonic) 30 (1,100 gp)


Founded Unknown
Joined Jerakai 1st, 109 Age of Reclamation
Population 25 (25 kobolds)
Purchase Limit 1,000 gp
Districts 1
City Grid Borders
      North: land
      East: land
      South: water
      West: land
Notable Figures
      Chieftain Sootscale
      First Warrior Mikmek

Building Economy Loyalty Stability Minor Medium Major Base Value Defense
Tenement (1)
Total +0 +0 +0 0 0 0 200 gp +0


Small Town
Founded Vandaran 1st, 109 Age of Reclamation
Joined Illiao 1st, 109 Age of Reclamation
Population 400 (300 humans, 75 halflings, 15 dwarves, 10 others)
Purchase Limit 5,000 gp
Districts 1 (city grid link)
City Grid Borders
      North: land
      East: land
      South: land
      West: land
Notable Figures
      Mayor Loy "Tanner" Rezbin
      High Priestess Latricia Evanore Rezbin of Deianeira
      Captain of the Guard Coren Lawry

Building Economy Loyalty Stability Minor Medium Major Base Value Defense
Barracks +2
Dump +1 +1
House (1)
Market +3 +2 2 +2,000
Monument +3
Tavern +1 +1 +500 gp
Temple (Deianeira) +2 +2 2
Tenement (3)
Town Hall +1 +1 +1
Watchtower +1 +2
Watchtower +1 +2
Total +5 +8 +8 4 0 0 2,700 gp +6
Magic Items
Minor Medium Major
x divine scroll of darkness (150 gp)
x wand of protection from law with 35 charges (525 gp)
x arcane scroll of charm person (25 gp)
x wand of calm animals with 22 charges (330 gp)


Small Town
Joined Nouyan 1st, 110 Age of Reclamation
Population 500 (325 humans, 150 halflings, 25 others)
Purchase Limit 5,000 gp
Districts 1 (city grid link)
City Grid Borders
      North: land
      East: land
      South: land
      West: land
Notable Figures
      Warden Willas Gunderson
      1st Wolfhold Musketeers (CR 2)
        Small army of humans & halflings (50 5th-level gunslingers)
        hp 11; DV 12; OM 4
        Resources Early Firearms, Improved Weapons
        Speed 2; Consumption 4
        Leader Willas Gunderson

Building Economy Loyalty Stability Minor Medium Major Base Value Defense
Brewery +1 +1
City Wall (2) +8
Exotic Craftsman +2 +1 1
Garrison +2 +2
Granary +1 +1
House (8)
Inn +1 +1 +500 gp
Monument (Theodore Duloup and his Wolfpack) +3
Smith +1 +1
Tannery +1 +1
Temple (Deianeira) +2 +2 2
Tradesman +1 +1 +500
Tradesman +1 +1 +500
Tradesman +1 +1 +500
Total +9 +10 +11 3 0 0 2,200 gp +8
Magic Items
Minor Medium Major
x potion of stabilise (25 gp)
x potion of mage armour (50 gp)
x arcane scroll of summon monster II (150 gp)
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