This towering brass statue, built to resemble an armored primanoid, carries a gigantic curved sword in its metal fists.
CR 14: Brass Golem |
N/A N Large construct Init +16; Senses darkvision 150 ft., low-light vision, see invisibility; Perception (Wis) +4 (Novice +0) |
Defense |
hp 756 (14d10+616) DV 46, touch 46, flat-footed 23 (+14 defense, +1 dodge, -1 size, +22 Str; +4 dodge vs. opportunity) Fort +26, Ref +20, Will +8 DR 42/armor (+14 natural [+28 inherent]), 14/– Immune death effects, disease, mind-affecting effects, necromancy effects, paralysis, poison, sleep, stun, and any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects, or is harmless), nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, or energy drain, massive damage, magic, fire |
Offense |
Speed 40 ft. Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Base Atk +14; CMB +53 (awesome blow +55; bull rush, grapple, overrun +57); CMD 63 (65 vs. awesome blow, 67 vs. bull rush, grapple, overrun) Melee large scimitar +52 (4d4+57/15-20 [89/73] plus 3d4 fire), slam +52 (5d4+57/19-20 [97/77] plus grab, 3d4 fire) Melee large scimitar +48 (4d4+69/15-20 [101/85] plus 3d4 fire), slam +48 (5d4+69/19-20 [109/89] plus grab, 3d4 fire); power attack Melee grapple +60 (5d4+65/19-20 [105/85] plus 3d4 fire) Special Attacks cloud of flames (10-ft. cloud, 10d4 fire, DC 39, 1d3 rds.), cone of flames (20-ft. cone, 10d4 fire, DC 39, 1d3 rds.) Spell-Like Abilities (CL 14th; concentration +10) Constant—see invisibility |
Statistics |
Abilities Str 54, Dex 43, Con —, Int —, Wis 18, Cha 1 Feats Awesome Chargeb, Blind-Fightb, Body Shieldb, Charge Throughb, Critical Focusb, Deadly Grapplerb, Dodgeb, Elephant Stompb, Extra Combat Talent (Equipment Sphereb, Force Redirection Techniqueb), Feral Combat Training (slamb), Improved Awesome Blowb, Improved Bull Rushb, Improved Critical (scimitarb, slamb), Improved Dragb, Improved Grappleb, Improved Natural Armorb, Improved Overrunb, Improved Unarmed Strikeb, Kraken Styleb, Multiweapon Fightingb, Muscular Reflexesb, Penetrating Strikeb, Pinning Rendb, Vicious Stompb, Vital Strikeb, Weapon Focus (naturalb) Racial Feats Awesome Blow, Improved Natural Armor, Improved Natural Attack (scimitar, slam), Recover Breath Leadership Perks None Skills Acrobatics (Dex) +16 (0 ACP, Novice +0) Appraise (Int) — (Novice +0) Artistry (Int) — (Novice +0) Autohypnosis* (Wis) — (Novice +0) Bluff (Cha) — (Novice +0) Climb (Str) +33 (0 ACP, Skilled +7) Craft () (Int) — (Novice +0) Diplomacy (Cha) — (Novice +0) Disable Device* (Dex) — (0 ACP, Novice +0) Disguise (Cha) — (Novice +0) Escape Artist (Dex) +23 (0 ACP, Skilled +7) Fly (Dex) +14 (0 ACP, Novice +0, -2 size) Handle Animal* (Cha) — (Novice +0) Heal (Wis) — (Novice +0) Intimidate (Cha or Str) — (Novice +0) Knowledge* () (Int) — (Novice +0) Linguistics* (Int) — (Novice +0) Lore* (Int) — (Novice +0) Perform () (Cha) — (Novice +0) Profession* () (Wis) — (Novice +0) Ride (Dex) +16 (0 ACP, Novice +0) Sense Motive (Wis) — (Novice +0) Sleight of Hand* (Dex) — (0 ACP, Novice +0) Spellcraft* (Int) — (Novice +0) Stealth (Dex) +22 (0 ACP, Skilled +7, -1 size) Survival (Wis) — (Novice +0) Swim (Str) +33 (0 ACP, Skilled +7) Truespeak* (Int) — (Novice +0) Use Magic Device* (Cha) — (Novice +0) Languages none. SQ death throes, powerful build. Possessions none. |
Death Throes (Ex) A brass golem explodes when it is destroyed. All creatures within 30 feet of the golem take 28d4 points of fire damage (DC 39 Reflex for half). The save DC is Strength-based.
Racial Traits
Standard Traits
- CR: 14 (280 CP)
- Hit Dice: d10 (1 CP)
- Alignment: N
- Type: Brass golems are constructs.
- Size: Brass golems are Large constructs, gaining +2 Strength, -2 Dexterity, +1 Constitution, -1 size penalty to attack rolls, +1 size bonus to CMB and CMD, -1 size penalty to DV, -2 size penalty to Fly, -2 size penalty to Stealth, a space of 10 ft., a reach of 10 ft., and a speed of 40 ft. (2 CP)
- Powerful Build: The brass golem is considered to be one size larger than it is if doing so is advantageous to it. However, its space and reach remain those of a creature of its actual size. The benefits of this trait stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change the subject’s size category. (3 CP)
- Speed: Brass golems have a speed of 40 ft.
- Ability Score Adjustment: +26 Strength, +26 Dexterity, -6 Charisma. Brass golems substitute Constitution with Strength. Brass golems do not possess a Constitution or Intelligence score. (92 CP)
Defense Racial Traits
- Construct Immunities: The brass golem is immune to the following conditions: bleed, energy drain, exhaustion, fatigue, paralysis, sleep, and stunned. It is also immune to death, disease, mind-affecting, and poison effects and spells. It is also immune to ability drain, energy drain, nonlethal damage, and ability damage to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. It is not affected by raise dead or reincarnate effects or spells. Finally, the brass golem is immune to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless). (85 CP)
- Damage Reduction: Brass golems gain DR/– equal to their total Hit Dice. (8 CP)
- Fire Immunity: Brass golems are immune to fire damage. (4 CP)
- Magic Fire Boost: A magical attack that deals fire damage breaks any slow effect on the golem and heals 1 point of damage for each 3 points of damage the attack would otherwise deal. If the amount of healing would cause the golem to exceed its full normal hit points, it gains any excess as temporary hit points. A brass golem gets no save against fire effects. (10 CP)
- Magic Immunity: Brass golems are immune to any spell and spell-like ability that allows spell resistance. (27 CP)
- Natural Armor: Brass golems have a natural armor bonus equal to their total Hit Dice. (2 CP)
- Saving Throws: Brass golems have no fast saving throw bonus progression.
Feat and Skill Racial Traits
- Bonus Feats: Brass golems gain Awesome Charge, Blind-Fight, Body Shield, Charge Through, Critical Focus, Deadly Grappler, Dodge, Elephant Stomp, Extra Combat Talent (Equipment Sphere, Force Redirection Technique), Feral Combat Training (slam), Improved Awesome Blow, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (scimitar, slam), Improved Drag, Improved Grapple, Improved Overrun, Improved Natural Armor, Improved Unarmed Strike, Kraken Style, Multiweapon Fighting, Muscular Reflexes, Penetrating Strike, Pinning Rend, Vicious Stomp, Vital Strike, and Weapon Focus (natural) as bonus feats. (56 CP)
- Class Skills: Brass golems gain the following as class skills: Climb, Escape Artist, Stealth, and Swim. (2 CP)
- Mindless Skills: Brass golems cannot use, nor put ranks and proficiency increases, the following skills: Appraise, Artistry, Autohypnosis, Bluff, Craft, Diplomacy, Disguise, Handle Animal, Heal, Knowledge, Linguistics, Lore, Perform, Profession, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Survival, Truespeak, Use Magic Device. (-76 CP)
Magical Racial Traits
- See Invisibility: Brass golems possess see invisibility as a constant spell-like ability. (6 CP)
Offense Racial Traits
- Base Attack Bonus: Brass golems have fast base attack bonus progression. (1 CP)
- Brass Scimitar: Brass golems are built with a scimiar for their size. The scimitar is treated both as a wielded weapon and a natural attack for any beneficial calculation, and cannot be disarmed. (6 CP)
- Breath Weapon (Cloud of Flames): Brass golems possess a breath weapon that creates a cloud of flames around it. The cloud deals 10d4 fire damage to everything within 10 ft. of the golem. The Reflex DC for half damage equals 10 + 1/2 the brass golem's total Hit Dice + its Strength modifier. (20 CP)
- Breath Weapon (Cone of Flames): Brass golems possess a breath weapon that creates a cloud of flames around it. The cloud deals 10d4 fire damage to everything within 10 ft. of the golem. The Reflex DC for half damage equals 10 + 1/2 the brass golem's total Hit Dice + its Strength modifier. (20 CP)
- Death Throes: A brass golem explodes when it is destroyed. All creatures within 30 feet of the golem take 28d4 points of fire damage (DC Reflex for half equals 10 +1/2 the brass golem's total Hit Dice + its Strength modifier). (13 CP)
- Fire Damage: Brass golems deal an additional 3d4 fire damage equal with their scimitar and slam attacks. (30 CP)
- Grab: Brass golems can make a free grapple attempt on a successful slam attack against creatures up to its size. (4 CP)
- Slam: Brass golems possess a slam natural attack that deals 1d6 points of damage. At 7th Hit Die, and every 7 HD after, the damage increases by 1 size. (2 CP)
Senses Racial Traits
- Darkvision: The brass golem can see perfectly in the dark for up to 60 feet. At 7th Hit Die, and every 7 HD after, this range increases by 30 feet. (2 CP)
- Low-Light Vision: Brass golems can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light. At 7th Hit Die, they can see three times as far, four times as far at 14th HD, and so on every 7 HD after. (1 CP)
Other Racial Traits
- Breathless: Brass golems do not breathe unless it benefits them to do so. (5 CP)
- Magic Cold Vulnerability: A magical attack that deals cold damage slows a brass golem (as per the slow spell) for 1 round per 10 points of cold damage, with no saving throw. (-7 CP)
- Mindless: The brass golem does not have an Intelligence score, is immune to all mind-affecting effects, and does not gain feats or skill ranks. (-30 CP)
- No Background: Brass golems do not possess a background. (-8 CP)
- No Dying State: Brass golems are immune to the disabled and dying conditions, and are destroyed at 0 hp. (-2 CP)
- No Leadership Perks: Brass golems do not gain leadership perks. (-4 CP)
- Sleepless: Brass golems do not need to sleep, unless they want to gain any benefits from doing so. However, they still require 8 hours of rest to regain any abilities that have that requirement. (5 CP)